Minggu, 14 Juni 2015

Contoh Business Letter

Bisnis Letter yakni type surat resmi (formal letter) yg berfungsi yang merupakan trick berkomunikasi antara dua atau lebih perusahaan. Terdapat tidak sedikit perbedaan pemakaian dalam Usaha Letter. Usaha Letter akan bersifat mengatakan info(informational), bujukan (persuasive), motivasi (motivational), atau promosi (promotional). Usaha Letter mesti diketik & diprint-out kepada kertas putih standard berukuran 8,5 x 11.

Contoh Business Letter

ABC Technology LTD
January 1, 2011
To the Chinese Consulate:
  We would like to request a business visa for Mr. Joe Smith, General Manager of ABC Company, who will visit China in January 2011. During the visit, he will meet with our business associates in Beijing to discuss issues of business cooperation. Since Mr. Smith is expected to visit China multiple times in the near future, we would appreciate it if you could issue him a multiple entry visa.
Our company will be financially responsible for Mr. Smith’s visit, including roundtrip international airfare, room and board and other travel expenses.
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call 1-800-123-4567 or send me email jsmith@abccompany.com.

Kind regards,
Jane Smith